Sunday, May 8, 2011


I'm sitting here on Mothers Day thinking of my Mother, and how much I miss her today, and everyday for that matter. Than I look back at my Wife and remember all those glorious times we had being parents. This particular story happened when we were station at RAF Bentwaters U.K.
We used to have a teenage boy (Jeff) babysit for us, so Kathi and I could go out on dates. Tom loved Jeff, he would carry Tommy around by his feet, and throw him onto the couch, and Tommy would laugh so much it was pretty hilarious. In late 1982, Kathi and I were at church and Tommy was being a PITA (Pain In The Ankle) as Kathi would say. I was holding Missy and had just got her to sleep when Tommy started. I looked at Kathi and said it was her turn to take him out and tell him he needed to be reverent. Kathi rolled her eyes, and grabbed Tom by the arm and started walking out with him. All of sudden, Tom screams at the top of his lungs. "HELP ME JEFF, SHE'S GOING TO BEAT ME" Everybody in the congregation started to laugh histarically. I was totally embarassed and kinda scooted down in my seat. Kids always pick the most inoppurtune time to say or do something that will totally embarass his/her parents. I used to always say that we would spend the first two years of a childs life, trying to teach them to talk and walk. Than we spend the rest of their lives telling them to "SIT DOWN AND SHUT-UP!"

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