November 10, 2022 was the day I had to make a trek to Niles, Ohio to say my last goodbye to my brother Paul. I didn't wear my suit coat or shirt and tie, I just had a pull over shirt on to drive the three and a half hours to the funeral home. Once I got there, I asked my brother Bill where the bathroom was. He took me in the back door and pointed to the restroom. I went in and he followed me in to talk about how Kathi was doing. I started taking off my pullover shirt and the conversation went like this:
Bill - "Do you know how hard it was to button this top button? I had to get a spoon to stretch out the hole.
Me - "Probably was a pain in the @$$ since you haven't worn a suit since Mick died" but let me show you something. I grabbed the top button of my shirt and pulled to show how the elastic stretched over to the button hole.
Bill - "You got one of those expensive shirts"
Me - "Not really expensive, but practical" as I struggled to button it. "WILL YOU PUT THIS IN THE HOLE"?
Bill - "Yours is HARDER THAN MINE IS"
Me - I hope not! mine's been dead for 20 years.
We both started laughing hysterically, when there was a tap on the door. and Bill and I just looked at each other thinking the whole funeral home heard our conversation. I opened the door to Jason's son Carson and asked him if he wanted to come to the party. He shook his head and said he just needed to throw something away. After he did, I asked him, Are you sure you don't want to stay for the party. He said, "I think the party is full already. I shut the door and Bill and I started laughing again.
That was the story the rest of the afternoon. Going to miss you Paul! Thanks for bringing us together again so we can laugh and visit with family.